Our Mission 

Entheos is on a mission to promote safety and best practices among entheogenic and indigenous plant medicine practitioners through membership standards, evaluation, and regulation. Our commitment extends to advancing the interests of our members, the public, and entheogenic practices through education, advocacy, and legal reform. Guided by harm reduction principles and the essential services of public health, we strive to create a community dedicated to the responsible and informed use of entheogens.

What We're Working on Before Launch

While Entheos is gearing up for its official launch, we are diligently laying the groundwork to ensure a robust and impactful presence. Here's a glimpse of what we're currently focusing on:

Compliance and Awareness
  • Staying abreast of all federal and state laws and regulations to help our members stay compliant.

  • Reviewing and sharing new clinical research on all medications/therapies to empower members in making choices for optimal outcomes.

  • Ensuring the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct within the entheogenic community.

Advocacy for All
  • Working within the essential services of public health to promote the well-being of all people, irrespective of race, sexual identity, and socio-economic backgrounds.

  • Advocating for policies that prioritize the health and safety of practitioners and the broader community. Membership in our organization will be important for all professionals in the category, creating a united front in establishing an infrastructure of accountability. By creating and maintaining strict standards, we protect both our members and the public, actively disseminating information to ensure common knowledge and awareness.

Guided by Science
  • Our decisions and actions are grounded in science and data, ensuring that our advocacy efforts and educational initiatives are evidence-based.

Stay Tuned for Our Launch

As we navigate the pre-launch phase, we invite you to stay connected with Entheos. Follow us for updates on our progress, upcoming events, and valuable resources that align with our commitment to safety, education, and advocacy.

Entheos — Empowering a Responsible and Informed Entheogenic Community.